Thursday, 31 October 2019

Adopt These Five Activities to Prepare your Kids for an Emergency

You know kids are always vulnerable, but it does not mean they cannot be brave. We need to make our kids bold. We should prepare our kids for any emergency that can happen in the home or outside the boundary. You should teach your kids about every unforeseen situation when you are not around. They should know how to tackle the emergency when they are home alone, or they are in school or park.

As a parent, you feel your kids more secure if you taught them emergency preparedness. Moreover, your kids will learn new skills and gain confidence. The kids will be able to handle the emergency independently. When you teach your kids a new skill and make them confident, you are doing a favor for them. However, it is not favored if you are taking care of them 24/7. Or you are pampering them too much. Do not make your kids dependent. Make your kids strong physically and mentally. For this purpose, you need to adopt five activities in your life. When you have these five activities, you will be able to make your kids brave and independent. Your kids will fight the emergency situation in your absence.

1.  Turn your Evacuation plan into Action.
If you have an evacuation plan, it is an excellent job. But, only an evacuation plan is not enough for your kids. First, share your evacuation plan with your kids. But, turn your evacuation plan into action. Whatever you have planned for an emergency, tell your kids by your actions. Thus, your kids can easily understand what to do in an emergency. However, when a situation like this happens, your kids will not get panic. Your kids will get stay normal during an emergency. Moreover, they know what to do and how to behave. When you rehearse your evacuation plan, your kids will remember the emergency numbers, kits, and how to evacuate the place.

2.  Camping
Well, as I said above, turn your emergency plan into action. However, camping is the perfect means to practice. Moreover, your kids will get the opportunity to test your 72 hours emergency kit. Thus, the camping activity will give you double benefits. You will enjoy your weekend getaways and check the emergency kit. However, it will be better for you to camp often if your kids are too young. But, if your kids are in a teenage then, you can go once a month or less for camping. But, to test your emergency kit and teach your kids emergency handling, camping is one of the best activities.

3.  Hiking
Picnics and trips are the best teachers. Kids enjoy trips and learn something new. However, trips, camping, and hiking are always necessary for your kids to grow. As a parent, you should know about your kids’ weaknesses. If your kids cannot cover long distances in a short time then, hiking is for them. Hiking makes your kids active and energetics. Through hiking, your kids will learn to cover long distances. The kids will able to cover every mountain, plain area, uneven area if they have hiking practice.

4.  Preparation of 72-hours Emergency Kit
At every home, there should be a 27 hours emergency kit. Well, many of you already have a 72 hours emergency kit. But, the significant thing is your kids should know how to use emergency tools. The kids should where you keep the 72 hours emergency kit and how they can use it. Teach your children about the first-aid box and the use of a bandage. Your kids should know whom to call during an emergency.

5.  Discussion with your Kids
After teaching your kids everything, ask your kids’ opinion. Whether they have a question or suggestion, respect their point of view. Discuss your plan with your kids.

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