Thursday, 31 October 2019

Emergency Kit for School Going Kids and Teens

As a parent, you always want to be around your children. But it is not possible all the time. There are times when you are away from home, and sometimes your kids are away. Recently, we have heard some news regarding disasters. However, you should prepare your kid and his/her bag for an emergency. For example, you are at your office, and your kids are in school, an earthquake happens, what will your kids do? Do they have an emergency kit to safeguard themselves? Though, schools do have emergency kits and rooms for students. But, they may be short of a tool or medicine. We are living an unpredictable life. We are breathing now, and in the next moment, we can die. Well, this can be the case with your school going kids and teens. However, do not get scared and do not make your kids frightened. But, prepare your kids for the emergency dealings. There is no harm to prepare your kids for emergency handling. And, prepare emergency kits for your kids.

Well, apart from natural disasters, there could be daily mishaps. Yes, small emergencies can happen and spoil your kids’ mood. For example, your kid forgets to brush teeth. He/she forgets the lunch box. Or any other thing which is essential for his/her daily routine. However, you should prepare the emergency kit accordingly. So that the emergency kit could meet situations of natural disasters and daily routine disaster needs. Moreover, another type of emergency these days is school shooters. You would have listened about the shooters in the news. We have been witnessing that the shooters are increasing day by day. And, unfortunately, the shooters are targeting school kids and teen. However, make your teens brave. So, they can handle the situation and do not get panic. They should have emergency gadgets to handle the situation like a first-aid bandage, blanket, or anything else to cover or hide.

Are 72 Hours Emergency Kit Enough for your Teens?

My straightforward and quick answer would be a big no. Well, the 72 hours emergency kit is for home use, and the whole day, your kids will be in their schools. Though, the 72 hours emergency kit has each and everything you kid will need. But, this emergency kit is not for school use. Moreover, the 72 hours emergency kit does not have school accessories. Like you did not keep a toothbrush, hankie, bottle, or a box in the 72 hours kit. However, the needs of kids vary from one kid to another. As a parent, you should know about your kids’ needs, and if they are suffering from a disease. However, you should prepare the emergency kit according to your kids' demands. Moreover, the 72 hours kit is far away from your kid. As, the kit is in your home’s almirah, and the kid is in school. Therefore, the school emergency kit is something different from the 72 hours emergency kit.

Some Suggested Items for Teens Emergency Kit
If you have teenagers or small kids, make sure that the emergency kit is always there in their backpacks. Moreover, your kids know how to use an item in which situation. Apart from the emergency items, you should keep medicines in the emergency bag. And, tell your kid when to take the particular medicine. If your kid has a disease, make sure your kid has extra pills all the time.

Some suggested items are:
An emergency blankets. But, make sure that the blanket not heavy and too big. Moreover, tell your kid to keep that blanket in the school locker.

  • Food items. Like, chocolates, granola bars.
  • Feminine hygiene items.
  • Toiletries.
  • Extra socks.
  • Extra water bottle.
  • First-aid kit’s item
  • Extra cash.
  • Phone numbers' list.
  • Safety pins and hairpins.

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